Stair Society Annual Lecture and AGM 2020


An upgrade by its web host has temporarily made the Stair Society’s website unavailable.

The documents for the AGM (annual report and accounts) on 14 November 2020 and the link to Lord Stewart’s pre-recorded lecture are temporarily here.

Accounts (pdf)

Minutes AGM 2019 (Word)

Annual Lecture 2020

“Sir Walter Scott: Law and Imagination” a presentation by The Honourable Lord Stewart to The Stair Society, Edinburgh, 14 November 2020.

Click on the image above to view the lecture on YouTube

In advance of next year’s 250th anniversary of the birth of Sir Walter Scott, this illustrated lecture looks at four documents relating to Scott’s legal career and discuss connections with Scott’s literary output, focusing on the novels Redgauntlet, The Bride of Lammermoor, Anne of Geierstein, and Rob Roy.

Lord Stewart was inaugural Chair of the Faculty of Advocates’ Abbotsford Library Project 1996-2002 — the objects of the Project being to re-catalogue the Scott’s library, to carry out conservation work and to facilitate access for scholars. He was also a member of the Abbotsford Trust Advisory Committee 2009-2010. He was a member of the Council of the Association of Scottish Literary Studies 1999-2005. Lord Stewart has published articles on Barrie, Stevenson and Scott and on the Stewarts of Appin, a clan that features in his account of the inspiration for Scott’s Waverley Novels.

Video recorded and edited by Lee Live: Photographer

Filmed at The New Club, Edinburgh

5 comments Add yours
  1. Angus,

    An excellent lecture. You will probably know that Walter Scott, snr. produced a Memorial on Colliers and Salters which forms part of the process in Jarvie v. Montgomery. The reference I have is to the Session Papers, Vol. 87, 1760-63, No. 13.

    1. Douglas – thank you – not previously aware of this paper but Walter Scott senior is, as John Cairns remarks, turning out to be an interesting character in his own right – I’ll let you have a copy of the note drawn to my attention by Peter Garside about him running off as a teenager to join Bonnie Prince Charlie – best regards Angus

      1. Thanks, Angus. That is much appreciated. I have written an article on Colliers, Salters and Auchmithie fishermen which is currently with the Edinburgh Law Review for consideration. You might see it at Cineworld, but there again….

        1. Douglas–For Scott’s note about his father running off to join the Jacobites see the Advocates Library online catalogue entry for an item in the Abbotsford Collection “Genuine memoirs of John Murray, Esq; : late Secretary to the young Pretender….” (1747). The last field in this catalogue entry “Linked resources” takes you to an image of the note which is at

          1. Thanks, Angus. I will consult this soon. All the best for the Festive Season and for what we hope will be a
            much improved 2021.

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